Thursday, 7 October 2010

into our final week!

Well the last couple of days have consisted of more work up at the mountain project, visits to the hospital, children's home and local communities! We all seem to have got into a routine and everyone is enjoying the parts they are playing, although we are all so tired!

This morning, myself, Jean S, Jean S and Jenny B went to the market to buy the food for lunch...always nice to see bulls heads staring at you at 9 in the morning!! We then went up to the project and made beef cassserole ( ish!?!) and I made my very first banoffee pie! I along with Lynn and Dione then went to the local hospital to visit some children....a  young girl tried to teach me Quechuan, with very little success but great amusement!!

The mural that Jenny B designed for the wall on the mountain project is coming along well! Ben and Sammy were keen helpers!! Encarni, Emma and Becky's collage is looking amazing and has really brightened up the of the finished product will be put on the blog later in the week!

Jackie gave an english lesson to some of the ladies, who are so keen to learn, which makes it all the more rewarding...apparently the word of the day was 'giggle' as that is what they kept doing when they could not get the words!!

The men (well, Geoff and Roger!) are continuing to do lots of sawing, drilling and hammering....when I went to take a picture of them hard at work, they were on a tea break....typical English builders!!! Finally, Chris has spent the day writing a sermon for the church meeting on Sunday morning.....I wonder if it is worth suggesting we all get up and sing after the sermon....I know how much they all enjoyed our last performance!!

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