Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Tuesday 28th September

Jenny is still feeling unwell, so here goes again.

Work started today. We split into small groups for various activities. We will each give a brief explanation:

Roger, Geoff & Roland went to buy timber for fitting doors to the kitchen cupboards. They spent 20 minutes trying to flag down a taxi willing to carry 8 foot planks, plus 3 adults up to CORASON!

Jean and Jean went to the market at 8am with Jenny Brown and Guadalupe who is leader of the mum's group to buy food for 30 people for the next 4 days. Fresh food will have to be bought every day as there is no fridge. They then took a taxi complete with a boot full of food up the mountain and helped with the cooking of lunch at CORASON.

Dionne visited the hospital with Claire one of the Latin Link missionaries. It was heartbreaking and enjoyable at the same time. My role in the hospital I work in at present involves safeguarding children so it was a bit of a shock to realise that adults and children are housed on the same ward.
One of the hospital volunters is brilliant and she is an advocate on behalf of the poor people who mainly use this hospital. We often complain about the NHS but we are guaranteed basic care that does not cost. I don't think I shall ever complain again

Becky, Emma,Lynne and my self,(Encarni), whent shoping today for fabric to make stuffed toys for the children of corason, in order to get back to the project, we hailed a taxi and mange to fit FIVE of us plus driver in a normal size car, and they are tiny here, I had Dion, who by the way, was also in the team today, seating between my left thigh and Emma's right thigh, so she was efectively floating whilst we were getting there, then we had a wonderfull lunch, cooked for us by the ladies of corason, and did some sowing of bean bags for the kids, and also decided to shower Emma with the finished bags across the room.I have to say, it was a fun filled day!!!

Chris and Jackie had a bus ride followed by a somewaht bumpy taxi ride to the quechuan mountain village of, Huilcarpay, had a great time with pre-school children and young teen aged boys.  It made us realize how much we take for granted.

Bethan (Roland's niece) and myself (Jenny J) went up to the project via taxi. Unfortunately said taxi driver wasn't too sure where to go , so we took a round about route but got there in the end thanks to Jenny B who happened to ring Beth's mobile in the nick of time and give much needed  instructions! I made a start on a planned mural for the club room. The highlight of my day though has to be when I discovered Moises aged 3,  soaking wet in the loo having flushed his head! In the afternoon Jackie and I visited the cathedral in Plaza de Armas which was amazing. Afterwards en route to find a coffee we were accosted by a little girl aged 7 who desperately wanted to sell us one of her dolls. She was so persistent with the result that Jackie now is the proud owner of a peruvian doll!

One piece of good news -Geoff & Jean's suitcase has been found - in Sao Paulo, Brazil! Hopefully it will be restored to its owners within the next couple of days.
The day ended with a team meeting and a well deserved rest.

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