Poor Jenny - still out of action with tonsillitis. We've moved her and mattress into the lounge, so she's got a bit of company. So here's day 3 of the DIY bloggers.
Roger, Chris and Geoff continued making cupboard doors for the kitchen. They were joined by Alex, a Dad in one of the local families. It was most encouraging, as a key part of the CORASON project, is to win the involvement of the local community.
Jean Shearn continued working with the Pastor's wife and local mums to cook lunch. Then spent a couple of enjoyable hours outside in the shade with Encarni and Emma making bean bags for the children.
Dionne, Jenny J and Jackie had a lovely morning looking at a traditional Peruvian parade that celebrated St Gabriel and an important Inca festivity (it was colourful and festive ). If only Christians would be so forthcoming in praising God publicly and unashamedly. We spent the morning being closely followed by the various hawkers of goods etc. Eventually we had to be firm as we were followed to the coffee shop.We all bought dolls and had a lovely time chatting with some of the local people. We met a cute little boy who was selling stuff before going to school in the afternoon. We visited an Andean Museum that was responsible for maintaining traditional Peruvian culture. Dionne had a quite afternoon playing nurse which mainly involved nagging sorry coaxing Jenny O to drink fluids, take medication and eat.
Jenny J here. After our fun morning watching the procession we headed for the hills once more. Sadly, or maybe thankfully, Moises wasn't there today to entertain us with his exploits! We were able to get on and paint the back wall of the stage ready for the mural. Was very grateful to all who helped and that we managed to get it finished before the children arrived for the after school club....Moises would have loved helping!!!
Jackie and Becky had great fun 'Going on a bear hunt'with the children at Club Corason and Jackie got quite breathless with all the actions. The excitement of it all at her age, Jackie said, nearly did her in!
Encarni and Lynne bought material yesterday and started making use of it today. Jenny Brown wants activity bags made for the Kindergarten children. The bags will contain shapes which the children will have to recognise by touch. We started making them today and will involve the 'Mums Group' in this which meets on Thursday afternoon. We also aim to make soft toys with some of the older girls. We started to identify today who would like to do this so that we can make a start on it tomorrow.
Jean Stoakley spent the morning helping in The Meeting Place coffee house, mainly taking samples of freshly made waffles round the local streets trying to encourage tourists come to use the cafe - had about 4 couples come! Biggest problem was people were suspicious about us giving away free things as all the Peruvian people are trying to sell things on the streets! It was good fun - met Australians and North Americans mainly!
Well I am the last one today, and I must say I had a full day, started with helping the ladies at the project preparing the lunch, even if by the time we got there it was mostly done, WE were not late, but we suspect that hermana Mary and the other ladies start quite early.
Then as we didn't have lots to do we got onto doing some sewing, we are still making some bean bags for the younger children, and then carried on with some painting of a wall to transform it into a christian mural for the kids, this is Jenny James's project, after that we did a bit more sewing and came home, it was a long day today and I'll be glad to get to my bed tonight. Oh and we also managed to fit some dinner in whilst we were at Corason, every body enjoyed the food today,we just hope we can keep up the standards for next week when is our turn to cook for everyone. Goodnight everybody.
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